Saturday, July 28, 2018

Tips to Troubleshoot an Overheated Laptop

An overheated laptop can arise from different factors which lead to the accumulation of extra heat in the computer. If the heat inside the laptop is left undisturbed over a period of time then the functionality of the machine gets hindered to a considerable level. While overuse is one of the basic reasons for heat buildup, overheating can also stem from dust accumulation in the cooling fans and the air vents.

Irrespective of the reason that is eliciting the heat buildup in computers simple troubleshooting remains one of the most efficient ways of tackling this problem. Just because your laptop has gathered extensive heat, it does not signify that the machine can only be salvaged by remote computer services technician.

overheated laptop

Instead of resorting to a laptop repair service, troubleshoot the heat buildup issue all by yourself. The sooner you swung to action to resolve the heat buildup problem, the greater are the chances of your computer's recovery. Touch your laptop and check whether it is getting too hot especially along the edges. If it does, implement the following troubleshooting steps to effectively counter the problem.
Allow the laptop to cool off

As soon as you realize that your laptop has become too hot, turn it off right away. Leave the machine undisturbed for a while and allow it to cool down. Refrain from rebooting the computer until and unless the laptop loses its heat and its temperature lowers significantly.
Keep the laptop on a table or desk

Although it might seem too basic, placing your laptop on a hard surface such as a table or desk can play a significant role in ensuring that the machine remains cool. This is owing to the fact that soft surfaces facilitate blockage of the air vents preventing heat from getting exhausted from the system. However, when you position the laptop on a hard surface, the system's ventilation takes place properly, allowing heat to get dissipated from the machine.

Avoid Running the Laptop for Too Long

If you have been using a laptop for a significant period of time, you might have noticed that the computer gets heated up when it is functional for long hours. Hence, to fend off the possibility of heat buildup, refrain from operating the laptop for days at a stretch. The longer the hard drive and the CPU have to work, higher is the chance of overheating.
In addition to this, to fix the computer's heat buildup problem, it is advisable that you do not operate too many applications at the same time. Close down the programs that you wouldn't need at the moment to reduce the possibility of overheating.

Get an External Laptop Fan

If in spite of taking the above measures, the heat buildup in your laptop does not subside then consider buying an external laptop fan. When an external fan is placed beneath a laptop during functioning, it directs cool air inside the machine which lowers the overall temperature inside the system. If you have any doubts regarding what kind of external fan would suit you best, take online computer help.

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